Monday, October 31, 2016


Happy Halloween to all of you!

Unfortunately, Halloween isn't really a thing here in Ghana. so there was not much celebrating here on this day, but hey maybe Elder Stirling and I will go to a shop, say trick or treat, and see what the old lady at the shop gives us... she probably would look at us like we are stupid and then yell at us in Twi hahah! 

Well this week was a week for the ages that is for sure, probably the most stressful one of my mission. That is cause first of all, it was transfer week, and Elder Bbosa went home last week so I was handling transfers on my own, and I was doing that while fighting a real battle, a battle with the mighty malaria (yeah I got malaria)...  And wow it was a battle for sure, about as intense as the battle at Minas Tirith.  Luckily we had faith and prayers on my side from a lot of different people.  Well let me just tell you that malaria is not a fun sickness to have. And the reason I didn't tell you last week that was what I had was cause I knew mom would go through the roof when she heard that with worrying. Well now its okay to tell cause I'm now doing good!

So it started on Monday last week, that is when my body just became really really weak and the whole of my body started to feel pain. I didn't understand cause I hadn't gotten hurt but I was seriously in pain, well we were at a members having family home evening and we actually had to leave cause of how horribly I was feeling. So Monday night we took my temp cause I was feeling a fever coming on and I was around 101 so we talked to the mission nurse and she just said to take a long cold shower and take some ibuprofen. So the next morning I was actually feeling pretty cool, I thought all the sickness was gone, but during our district council Tuesday morning, I was feeling AWFUL,  so bad that we had to just leave district council and go to the apartment cause I was lightheaded, my fever was coming back and I felt like I was going to throw up and also I was in pain all over my whole body. So I got back to the apartment and took a nap and woke up about an hour later and took my temperature again and it was at 104 and that was when we realized that this was really serious. So we got in a car and went to the hospital and I had some tests done and they figured out it was malaria. So that was crazy. We went back to the apartment and prepared for the journey to Kumasi that was to be the next morning. Well we went to Kumasi which was another horrible tro tro ride cause my body was already killing and I already had a headache so that didn't make things any better. Luckily when we reached Kumasi, the Halladay's, one of the senior couples let me and Elder Nuamah stay at their apartment for Wednesday and Thursday so I could get some rest and not have to travel back that day. We also watched so much General Conference but my mind didn't catch anything cause I have just been dead and with no energy. 

Well to sum things up, malaria was horrible terrible awful and horrific all in one thing. but I am over it now and I'm alive so that is what I am thankful for.  I'm also thankful that I have a great companion, Elder Nuamah who is from Takoradi, Ghana and is like 24 years old. He is the only member in his family and he is bravely here serving his Heavenly Father. I love him and we are really enjoying here. Also the other great thing that we have now is a greenie in the apartment. Elder Precious got himself a son on Thursday and his name is Elder Stirling!! His shirts are white and his testimony is strong out of the MTC, and he can't understand anything the native's say. It reminds me a lot of how I was when I came here to mission. He is from Las Vegas, and he has been a lot of fun in the apartment so far. We are really loving our apartment right now and having a lot of fun and getting some real work done by helping God's children to repent of their sins. 

The Church is true.

I love you all 
Elder Porritt

Monday night last week when I was dead at Family Home Evening

 Preparing for transfers.... Productive..

Elder Wardle and Elder Nuamah lifting me into the car...

Elder Nuamah and Me! (I'm starting to feel a little better)

Our Halloween celebration!!

Halloween celebration!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Post from Elder Porritt's Mum

When I received the news that Elder Porritt was so sick, it really scared me. I didn't know at the time, that he already knew what was wrong with him.  Even though I had one week to wonder what was wrong with him, I had a feeling that it was Malaria.  So before I ever knew what was wrong, his name was put on the prayer rolls in 6 Utah temples.  I have no doubt that the prayers of hundreds of members, many family members, and a priesthood blessing, helped him to start to recover.  Here is a little bit of the letter that he sent to me when he was so sick:

well my mother, I'm thankful for you, and I wish you were here to take care of me during this trial, but I know I'm in good hands and I'll recover soon.  

Well sorry again that this is short but I gotta go sleep. I love you mum! I hope you have a great week!
Love, Elder Porritt

So naturally, reading this just about tore my heart out, knowing that he wanted me to care for him but couldn't.  It's hard for me to think of him suffering like this.  We will be holding a family fast this week to fast and pray for him to be able to make a full recovery and be back to 100%, like he said he wanted to be.

I am so grateful for the Couple Missionaries that spent their time also to give him care and a place that he could rest.  Also, his companion Elder Nuamah, has been so good to help take care of him.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Enye Easy Kraaa

Well hello everyone, sorry I am really late getting you an email, but it’s been a really hectic week with preparing for transfers and preparing for Elder Bbosa to go home.  Well I’ll say that sending him off Monday morning was a really hard thing, but he has done his work and will now return to Uganda to keep doing this work.  I guess now you may be wondering who my new companion will be, well his name is Elder Nuamah. He is a Ghanaian and I believe from Takoradi on the coast. He has been a zone leader now for 4 transfers and he actually was Elder Snow (my trainer) last companion. So for me I’m really excited to serve with him, it will be awesome!

As far as the work goes, this week was very slow, Elder Bbosa was really tired and even I have been battling sickness. I ended up going to the hospital today to get some tests done and I’ll be okay I just need to rest a lot and keep on my medicine.

the good news is that Ibrahim came to church again on Sunday, although it was late so he wasn’t able to be confirmed but we are planning on that for this week.

Well that is about it for this week. not too much happened.

I’m sorry this is so short but my strength is completely gonzo and I gotta rest cause tomorrow we go to Kumasi for transfers. I’m looking forward to recovering and being back to 100%.

I love you all!
Elder Porritt

Monday, October 17, 2016

When my body begs for rest...Remember HIM

Well fine afternoon to you all, this week has been a really slow one to say the least with not too much action due to a sickness that came to Elder Bbosa, he had a terrible cold for like 3 days so the work was about non existent, he is pretty tired and goes home next week but he is still going along and we are still getting along great, he has been one of my favorite companions cause he is a hilarious guy and we have gotten along great. 

Well i guess one highlight of the week was a companion exchange, i went out to a TINY village called Domeabra (its a little smaller than BRC)  and i was with Elder Porter from Delta Utah who is just a few months out on mission right now. We really had a great day, except for it was the first time i experience dumsor (light out) since i came to Nkawkaw. But we still had a sweet time together and i was really surprised to see how much he already knows for just being out here for such a small time, he really is a powerful missionary.

Another great moment for the week was yesterday, Sister Stella was confirmed in Sacrament meeting, she is really so happy for all that has happened with her baptism and confirmation and she is really doing amazing. As for Ibra, well we are struggling seriously with him. We don't actually know what is wrong, because when we went there all week, he was really anxious for his confirmation as well, and promising that he would be there, well he didn't show again yesterday, and we got a call from one of the members who stays right by him and he said that Ibra's mom told him that he (Ibra) had dressed up for church the last two weeks and left like he was coming to church but hasn't showed up either week... so we will be doing some digging to see whats up cause something is wrong there..

Probably the coolest thing that happened this week came on Friday. We were going to see one of our investigators, Ellen, and we reached the house and she was just coming outside to weed her yard. now when i say yard, its not like the yards at home, it consists of dirt and a LOT of rocks and a lot of weeds, and to make things awesome, they use a cutless (basically a really really dull machete) to weed it. So we helped her weed that rock infested yard which was really some work. If you think weeding back home is hard, come to Ghana and you'll see real weeding. About 30 minutes in, i was getting a huge blister on my hand and i was about to just stop cause my knees and back hurt from squatting down, and my hand was on fire, when i had that thought come into my mind, it was countered by another thought. Into my mind came Henry B Eyring's voice which was from that video that i shared with you last week about the Atonement and missionary work, the voice said "when my body begs for rest, i give myself this rallying cry, 'remember Him!' " at that point, i just remembered my Savior Jesus Christ suffering for my pains, and miraculously, the pain in my hand and back and knees completely disappeared.  I felt a new strength in my body and I also felt the Spirit rush over me. That was a very amazing moment for me. I KNOW that Jesus Christ suffered for you and for me, for all we go through, for all we struggle with, for all of our pains and afflictions and temptations. And i now know with strong experience that if you call on Him and His atoning power in your times of pain and temptation, He WILL come to your side and lift you up. Remember Matthew 11:28-30. We have to Come unto Him and He will help us. I know He loves us each individually and His hand is always outstretched to grab us, we just need to reach. 

I love you all.
Elder Porritt

Monday, October 10, 2016

Waters of Baptism

Well, hello everyone. Another week of testifying of the restored gospel in the books and what a good week it was!!!

Wednesday we went to Kumasi for MLC, and it was a good two days. Thursday was seriously an awesome day for me, first of all cause MLC was great, ill share some thoughts on that in a minute, but during our lunch break, I had the opportunity to help set apart one of my best friends out here on mission. Remember when I was in Techiman, we had a certain guy who we were helping to prepare to serve a mission, brother Desmond, well he got his mission call in July I think, and Thursday was his MTC date, so Thursday morning, he came to the mission home and President Cosgrave asked me if I wanted to participate in the setting apart of Desmond to be a full time missionary. That was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had and it was really good to me to remember my own setting apart. It helped me to remember again that I have been called by God to come here to the Ghana Kumasi Mission to call His children to come unto Jesus Christ.

For MLC, we talked a lot of our purpose as missionaries and how we can improve ourselves doing what we are supposed to be doing as a mission. Well the thing that I really was touched by was a video that was a combination of Elder Jeffery R Holland and President Henry B Eyring talking about how missionary work applies to the atonement of Jesus Christ. Well that video is probably the most powerful video you can watch. It applies to all aspects of our life though, especially for those who may be doing through trials in their life. I hope that all of you will look for this video and watch it and see how you can apply the message in your life and come to know your Savior more personally.

Well the other highlight of the week came yesterday with another baptism. Sister Stella entered the waters of baptism and it was just an amazing day!! Everything went well, and her neighbor and good friend Maxwell was able to perform the baptism. She is really enjoying reading the Book of Mormon too which is probably the best thing I can think of for her to be doing right now for her to be truly converted. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most important part of knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and it’s the most important thing to knowing that Jesus Christ truly is our Savior.

Well I just want to say that I am truly coming closer to my Heavenly Father right now. It is because of my constant reading of the scriptures and meaningful prayer. I know that those two things when used as a combination, will strengthen our testimony of the Gospel. I know that we are on this Earth to be tested if we will do whatever thing that God commands us, and I also know that there is no commandment that is temporal (worldly), but all are spiritual, and I know too that Heavenly Father will never give us a commandment that is
impossible for us to keep. He loves you and He wants you to always obey His words. He will bless you as you do, I PROMISE. I have seen it in my own life and in the life of many many others over the course of the last year. He knows you personally and wants you to come back to live with Him one day, so be good, and do good. I love you all and hope you have a great week, I hope that this week you can do something to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ.

Love Elder Porritt

Here is Elder Desmond Bakam in the Middle

Stella's baptism. Me, Stella, Maxwell and Nana Ama, Rita, and Elder Bbosa

My main man, Nana Owusu. This is Maxwell and Rita's son.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Conference was Amazing!

Well all I have to say about this week is that it was amazing. As far as teaching and all that, this week was okay, Sister Stella is doing really good and she should be baptized next week, she has really been learning a lot and she really understands the Gospel very well, she is loving the Book of Mormon, she is just really excited about the Gospel and we are all excited about her baptism!!

The main event for us was also most likely the main event for many of you, Conference. Well I will have to say that this Conference was one of the best that I have ever been a part of and been able to watch. We were blessed to have the opportunity to watch Conference at our District center where there is a satellite and it was very nice!  Well since I don’t have all day to talk about conference, I will just tell you that my favorite talk was the same as many of you. Elder Russell M. Nelson's talk on Joy was probably one best talks that I have heard.
That talk was absolutely amazing!!!! There were two really big things that he said that stuck out to me, one was relating to missionary work and how missionaries’ attitude should be. He said ''our missionaries aren’t out just trying to increase the number of members in the Church, they go out to bring the Joy that the Gospel brings to families.'' Ya know, that really had a big impact on me cause really a lot of missionaries here in our mission are going for the first one, they are just trying to baptize people, that is their only goal, but that is something that surely needs to change and the true purpose of missionary work is to go out and declare THE GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY among the Children of our Heavenly Father. I love being able to tell people that they have a Father in Heaven who REALLY DOES care about them and that they can see their family members again one day if they keep the commandments and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. There really is joy that comes in sharing the Gospel. The other part of his talk that stood out to me, I wanted to emphasize it to all of you too, is that we should let our suffering be swallowed up in the Joy of Christ!!!!! He said that truly, the Saints can be happy in EVERY CONDITION. I know that is very true. We have the restored gospel and the great plan of salvation and we know to what source we can look for a remission of our sins.

Well I also loved the talk of Elder LeGrand R Curtis Jr. who talked about the people in Ghana and their experiences with the Book of Mormon. Well the first guy he mentioned, Nicolas Ofusu Hene, he is a guy that I have heard a lot about and a lot of the missionaries here in Ghana Kumasi Mission have served in the District where he is the President, Tamale, it is in the northern region of Ghana and the guy is seriously an awesome guy. They also mentioned that he is a Police Commander, well lets just say that Ghana Police is corrupt bad, and they see missionaries sometimes as people who have a lot of money and so they will arrest missionaries or give them trouble to try and get bribes (bribes is like the main pay of police here...) but its nice cause if that ever happens, the couple missionaries or whoever is there can call Ofusu Hene and he makes one phone call and you are good to go, cause all the police people know him and he can have an impact on people losing their jobs so they will let you go ha. I really loved that talk cause it really helps us to realize that the Book of Mormon really brings conversion in our Life. and there is no other book or text or anything like that that can bring greater conversion into our life.

Well I do know that this Church is the only true church on the face of the earth. General Conference, well I really really was able to feel the Holy Ghost testify to me that it’s true. I love the Gospel, and I love our Prophet and leader, Thomas S Monson. I know that our Heavenly Father speaks to us through Him, and the other 14 apostles, those who we sustain as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. I know that they receive guidance for us and our individual life. The messages that were given the last two days, they were truly meant for you and for me, and if we will apply those messages and follow the Prophets, we will receive the blessing of Eternal life and eternal happiness in the life to come.

I pray that all of you will find joy in your life, and joy in your sufferings. I pray that you will read from the pages of the Book of Mormon, and find conversion in your life. The prophets tell us to do such simple things that sometimes we overlook it, but I feel that sometimes the simple things, we take them for granted and forget to do them. I know that as you follow the counsel of the leaders and mouthpieces of Heavenly Father, you will receive spiritual strength in your life.

I love you all,
Elder Porritt

This is the pile of cockroaches we gathered after 45 minutes of war with the roaches... our apartment is full of them. it looks like dirt, but all of those are tiny tiny roaches, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of them. it was a crazy night haha.

Elder Precious and I on the extermination committee.