Monday, June 13, 2016

Teaching and Sweating!!

Hello everyone!!

This week was just like a lot of the other weeks haha just a lot of teaching and sweating! Things here in Ghana are real hot but they are going really good. This week i don't really have a ton to talk about but we are having some pretty good progress in our area, especially with Brother Opoku. This guy is seriously an awesome guy and he has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying a lot about the message, he has been coming to church and to all the meetings and programs that we have throughout the week. He says that he knows it is all true and he is excited to be baptized in a few weeks. So we are really excited for him right now. He is such an awesome guy and he is so receptive to all the things that we are coming to him to teach. 

Anyway some other good news is that this week (Wednesday) we again have Zone Conference so it will be great to again be able to hear from President Cosgrave and get back together with some of my other mission friends. I am pretty excited for that. 

On the other hand, we did have one thing this week that was quite discouraging... We have had an investigator for over a month now, i won't mention his name, but he has been way powerful. He has been coming to church, and asking really good questions for the most part, just really wanting to know what was so special about the church, but the last few weeks with this guy have been really rough because he has been trying to tell us that we are wrong in the things that we are teaching and that there is nowhere in the bible where it talks about the things that we are teaching. Then on Friday, i think, we went there with a powerful lesson in hand to teach him, but it didn't even go through because as soon as we brought the first topic, he started arguing with us about how there is no possible way that God answers prayers to anyone that is a sinner... That was really sad to hear.. But that lesson ended with me and my companion basically bearing our testimonies to him and to our Father in Heaven that we know this work is true, my comp even said that if this message wasn't true, he would pray that God would show him and punish him, and the guy said back to that 'well surely God will punish you soon then because all this that you are teaching is lies' So yeah i guess not everyone you come in contact with is as humble and  receptive as you would hope, but all you can do is bear your testimony and pray to Heavenly Father that that person one day humbles himself and comes to the knowledge and truth. 

I hope all of you know that i know that this work is true. There is nothing that could come that would make me deny this Gospel and the things that I have learned and am now teaching. i always tell my investigators this: that i would not have left my amazing home in America, my family, and my friends to spend two years in Ghana, preaching something that i didn't know was true. I KNOW  that this is Christ's true church here on the earth and i know that soon, that same Christ will come again and we will be rejoicing with Him who is our Savior. I love my Savior and I am striving every day to become more like Him. I hope you are all doing the same. I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Love Elder Porritt

Me and the big bad Elder Adjei...

yeah i think i pooped a little big when i saw this guy... legs spread this bad boy was easy 5 maybe 6 inches... sounds small but go look at a ruler and then see how big it is.. good thing Grandma Oyler wasnt the one that discovered this one...

Mom these are white shirts that a guy in my branch, Elvis, got from the mission, just wondering if they are the ones that you sent?..

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